Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm Home!

Hello to All My Great Fans!!

It's Sunday, and I'm finally home! I'm feeling a lot better, and I let out a big squeal when I came down my lane toward my house. Boy, I sure miss everyone when I have to stay at the hospital for a few days.

Lucky for me, big sister Brooke came and spent a couple of days with Mom and me at CHEO. She was a big help for Mom, because I'm a little busier than I used to be!

Of course, all of the nurses on Four East fell totally in love with me, and wanted to claim me as their baby - I tend to do that to people, I am full of charm, you know.

I have lots of medication to take, and Mom and Dad have lots of instructions for my care, but at least I can sleep in my own bed tonight.

Its a good thing I'm feeling better, because its going to be a very busy week for Livee's Loonies this week. The high school put up a big sign about me so everyone will know about the yard sale. On Thursday night, we are taking donations into the school if anyone has anything they would like to donate to us.

And if you like to bake, please bring along your favorite recipe, all cooked up and ready to sell!

Don't forget Carol Anne Meehan will be there to say hello that day too!!

Thanks for all of your prayers.

Miss Princess Olivia the Lovable

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